Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

To be honest, I can't remember when I saw this movie. I think it was sometime in the middle of May. Did I like it? Yes, I liked it well enough, but I think I liked the first movie (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) better. You could probably see Prince Caspian without having seen the first movie, but the first movie lends perspective.

Prince Caspian takes place several hundred years after the first movie, but with the same kids who've only aged the few years between the movies. I was sad to see that the beavers weren't in the movie. I'm not sure why they weren't in the movie when some other characters miraculously lived another few hundred years. Anyhoo, the kids are on a quest to first find Prince Caspian, heir to the throne of Narnia, and to overthrow the evil ruler. In addition to their endeavor to restore power to the rightful heir, there is also some debate and a sort-of search for Aslan (the lion).

I enjoyed the cinematography and some of the locale of the movie. There were also a number of moments that keep you on the edge of your seat, and a great battle scene. It was a good movie, clean and good for older kids, but it may be too violent for younger kids. It was worth seeing in the theater once, but if you didn't get the chance, I don't think you would be missing much if you only get to see it on DVD. Of the four movies I've seen so far this summer, I would rank this as my least favorite. Not because this is a bad or boring movie, it's just that the other movies, especially Iron Man and Kung Fu Panda, were more entertaining and are the movies I'd be likely to go back to the theater to see again, if I had the time.

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