Saturday, June 11, 2011

Twice a Week Torture

My job basically consumes my entire life between January and April, and therefore gives me little time to squeeze in anything resembling exercise or fitness. Even when I do have time, I am usually exhausted and just want to lie in a vegetative state. However, while I was never the type to be involved in organized sports, I do like to be outdoors and participate in activities and exercise. In my younger days, I'd spend time skating, shooting hoops, or going to the beach. Depending on my social circles at the time, I also went through phases of shooting pool and fishing (I know, it's not exercise, but it is some form of activity!). My one pretty constant activity is walking, which at times has turned into jogging.

A while back, probably over 10 years ago, my friend Liann started teaching Pilates. Liann is one of those people everyone just loves to be around because she is always bubbly and positive. I'm pretty sure she could sell ice to Eskimos if she wanted to, and hence, when she asked if I wanted to come to her class, I quickly agreed. Really, how hard could Pilates be? Isn't it just stretching? The short answer is: HELL no!

What is Pilates? I'm really not good at articulating it, but I can tell you that it's not like yoga. While I have never tried yoga, its basis appears to be more of a spiritual practice that helps lead to mental and physical well-being. Pilates involves a lot of control and proper breathing to help build core strength. While you don't need equipment to do Pilates, there are some contraptions and tools that can be used.

Back to the torture sessions...way back then, I started off in a group class. For anyone who wants to try Pilates, you really can't learn it from a video. You need someone there to demonstrate and correct your technique and form. Over the years, I've been working off and on with Liann. A couple years ago, a small group of us would go to Kapiolani Park during lunch time. Then I started going to Liann's house with one other woman and Liann would train us both at the same time. But this year, it's just Liann and me. "No more hiding," she said. She will catch me if I'm cheating. Although most of the time, I don't realize I'm cheating until she points it out to me.

I decided that instead of once a week, I'd try twice a week. Pilates with a private trainer is expensive, but I'm at a point in my life where I feel that it's worth it for my health. Plus, Liann is a great trainer and friend. Not only does she help train me with Pilates, she'll look at other lifestyle factors and help guide me as to how else I can improve my health and fitness. She tailors my sessions to work on areas of my body (specifically, my hip flexors) that may need more help since I also do a lot of walking. She also stretches me out and "massages" me. I have quotes around the word "massages" because it's not like getting a massage at a day spa - it's more like shiatsu or sports therapy massage. She knows about all these weird muscles that most of us never heard of and she'll almost bring me to tears as she rubs these areas. But it's one of those "good pain" things.

And then there are the Pilates contraptions. The main one is the Pilates Reformer, or what I affectionately refer to as the "torture device," which can be used in may different ways to work various muscle groups. We've also used exercise balls, resistance bands, and foam rollers. While Pilates does involve stretching and can actually lengthen you, it also works on building muscle. I can tell you that my abs, arms, and legs feel it.

I just completed my 4th week and there have already been noticeable results. Changes were noticeable just after my first week - at first I thought it was in my mind, but then Liann said, "Is your body changing shape already?" I've also been walking pretty frequently, about 3-4 times per week and have been more cognizant of what I'm eating. Since the beginning of May I've lost about five pounds, but more importantly, I've lost inches and my body has changed shape by becoming leaner and toner. My flexibility has also improved.

I have a ways to go and need to work on setting more concrete goals, but Pilates combined with walking, has proven to be a satisfying way for me to get fit. Pilates is more of a strength-training type of exercise and walking is my cardio exercise, so the two balance well. Together with being more aware of what I'm consuming and throwing in an occasional hike or swim, my fitness regimen is well-balanced and works for my lifestyle.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Yes, yes, it's been over a year and a half since I have updated my blog. At this point, I think my already very limited readership has probably dwindled down to one person. My guess is that sometime this weekend, I will get an e-mail from Florist Girl saying, "you updated your blog!" And if I don't get that e-mail, then, well, I lost my one loyal reader!

What made me decide to update now? Who knows. I had all but abandoned Kendra's Adventures in favor of Facebook, which I've found to be a great way to multitask: it helps me keep in touch with friends and colleagues, particularly those who are far away, and it also helps me to chronicle my life. Some people think it's a self-absorbed thing to do, to have a page and a "wall" all about you. But I don't think of it that way (or maybe I'm more self-absorbed than I thought). I enjoy reading what other people are up to, where they are traveling, and how their kids are doing. And there are some people who post inspirational quotes every day - I love that, and sometimes those quotes are what help lift me up when I am feeling low.

Besides that, like I said, Facebook helps me kill two birds with one stone - I have a journal for myself, but I can keep in touch with people I otherwise might not have contact with. For example, I just got back in touch with someone I spent practically every day with during the summer before my sophomore year in high school. And even work friends - I can actually go several months without seeing people that work on the same floor in my building! But Facebook allows me to keep up with them. I have also found a niche for myself - food porn. People seem to like my food pictures, and apparently they have even inspired people to try places they'd never been before. Some people call and e-mail me asking for suggestions on where to eat lunch or take a visitor for dinner.

But back to the resurrection...I think it's a result of a culmination of realizations. First of all, everyone needs some kind of outlet. Personally, I think everyone should journal or have some means of reviewing their thoughts on a fairly regular basis. I believe it's important for one's mental health, as well as to sort out thoughts and problems. Secondly, I've realized that I keep way too much bottled up. The problem is I don't realize things are bottled up until some unfortunate soul in my life has the misfortune to be around when the cork pops to listen to me rant or suffer through me having a mini-meltdown. Thirdly, blogging is fun. Time-consuming, especially for someone as anal-retentive as I am, but fun.

One of things that inspired me to write today is reading other people's blogs. I love reading them, no matter what the subject or if its written by a complete stranger. Some bloggers are really great writers and offer great insight on a basic philosophical level. Of course others offer great insight on specific topics, such as food or vacations. While I hope a few people will read and enjoy my blog, as sparse as the posts may be, I am satisfied knowing that it is a creative and somewhat emotional outlet for me.