Downtown Anchorage is a great walking town. We did not have a car, and really
As I mentioned in a previous post, there are number of tourist traps in Anchorage, and I think we walked into just about all of them. For any future Anchorage travelers, before you buy anything, look in all of the shops first. You will probably find that the exact same item can be priced very differently in a number of shops!
We found a number of restaurants within easy walking distance of our hotel. I think I am going to steal an idea from another blogger and list the restaurants here now, so you can look at them whenever you'd like (since you know it's probably going to take me another six months before I finally complete posting about my entire Alaska trip!):
Sack's Cafe
Snow Goose Restaurant
Glacier Brewhouse
Crow's Nest (we only had a night cap here)
Snow City Cafe
Christo's Palace
The Pond Cafe (served in the Aurora Lounge)
Double Musky Inn
And here are the hotels we stayed in:
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage
Holiday Inn, Seward
Hotel Alyeska, Alyeska
We ended up eating at a couple of the restaurants more than once, partly because we couldn't get into some of the restaurants we wanted to try because they were crowded, and partly because we just really enjoyed the food and atmosphere. Snow Goose was one of the places we
That's it for now...gotta get to bed since I have to go to work tomorrow to be able to earn enough to pay for all of my adventures! But hey, at least I'm starting to make a dent on posting about the trip I took 4 1/2 months ago!